0532 520 32 20 gataelektrik@gmail.com
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Low Voltage Protection Gloves 2500V  CATU  25 € Visual result about Low Voltage Protection Glove 2500VCL:00 2,5KV İzole Eldiven - Elektrikçi Eldiveni
40 kV Yüksek Gerilim Koruma Eldiveni CL.4  CATU  65 €
40 kV Yüksek Gerilim Koruma Eldiveni CL.4  SOFAMEL 78 € Related image
40 kV Yüksek Gerilim Koruma Eldiveni CL.4  REGELTEX 75 € Regeltex CLASS 00 İzole Eldiven
İzole Ark 500-2500 V Alçak Gerilim Koruma Eldiveni (CATU)  55 €  
Isolated Arc 36/54 kV Medium Voltage Glove  (CATU)  100 € Honeywell Salisbury E0011RY/8 Insulated Gloves Electrician Price
Glove Test Pump  (CATU)     145 € Glove Test Pump - Birtan Electric Store
Glove Storage Box   (CATU)  45 €  Image result related to catu Gloves
36 KV Isolated Boot   (CATU)  65 € Related image
36 kV Side Test Measurement from the Base 10 kV Insulated Boot       (SOFAMEL)   75 € Related image
Rescue Hook                             115 € isolated high voltage rescue stanchion, og rescue stanchion, og stanchion
CLASS 6 Isolation Stool 66 KV  (CATU)


İzolasyon Taburesi 72 KV Kadar (Yerli Ürün)

54 €


25 $

Kontrol Kalemi (Küçük) Işık İkazlı  (SOFAMEL)  315 € Sofamel VTE-5/36U Std Electronic Voltage Detector - Optical & Acoustic  Supplier Ireland
Kontrol Kalemi Ses – Işık İkazlı 5-36 KV  (SOFAMEL)   510 € 645 VTE | SOFAMEL - Manufacturer of connection and safety electrical material
Control Pen with Sound / Light Indication  (SOFAMEL) 225/265/420 KV 1376 € Mod.VTA - 1
Control Pen with Light Indicator (CATU)  295 €  Visual result related to CL.4-41/2 CATU


Control Pen with Sound / Light Indication  (CATU)  10-36 KV



495 € Catu 36kV Sesli ve Işık İkazlı Dedektör (Kontrol Kalemi) - Birtan Elektrik  Store

Kontrol Kalemi Ses / Işık İkazlı Çift Kutup (CATU) 

10-36 KV

 765 €  Related image

Control Pen with Sound / Light Indication  (CATU) 225/265/420 KV


2450 € CC-265-225/420
MT.608/2 Dahili Hat Topraklama Teçhizatı   (SİCAME)  465 € 36kV Busbar Earthing Equipment - Birtan Elektrik Store
MT.608/2 External Line Earthing Equipment   (SİCAME)  495 € Earthing Equipment
Cable Shotgun   465 € plcsitemiz Line rifle and its use in High Voltage Lines | S7OTOMATION
Telescopic Stanka 1.15 / 2 Mt.   165 € Visual result related to CATU CL.2-21-C
Busbar Neon Lamp 5-75 kV   60 € Bara Neon Lamp
Ses ve Işık ikazlı STANKA (Belgesiz) 60 $ MV SAFETY MATERIALS 2022 - Gata Elektrik
İzole Tabure 40 kV (SOFAMEL)  35 € 580 STE | SOFAMEL - Manufacturer of connection and safety electrical  material
İzole Manevra Stankası  40 kV 1,5 Mt.  (GÜRAL)  90 € O.G GÜVENLİK MALZEMELERİ - Öneri Elektrik San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. is also an authorized dealer of Honeywell and Omron companies.
36 KV Insulated Pliers (Fuse Replacement Pliers) 33 $ 36kV Insulated Pliers - Birtan Electric Store
40 KV Insulated Carpet (m2)

50 KV Insulated Carpet (m2)

 35 €

45 €

Dielectric Rubber Sheet (Insulated Carpet)
Phase Sequence Indicator  75 € Image result related to CATU MS.152
Gata Electrical Materials Trade and Marketing 0212 2926192 0532 5203220 0538 4867442
20 KV Isolated Hard Hat (Enha) 22 $  
VTE 5/36-P

Işıklı ve Ses İkazlı Stanka (Komple Ürün)  5/36KV


480 € 645 VTE | SOFAMEL - Manufacturer of connection and safety electrical materialVisual result on VTE 5/36-P"
36-170 KV Control Pen with Sound + Light Warning (Ottotecnica) 740 € Electrical Safety for PPE and Safety Range from PBwel
36 KV Control Pen with Sound + Light Warning (Ottotecnica) 340 € Electrical Safety for PPE and Safety Range from PBwel
40 Kv Insulated Gloves (Regeltex) Class 4 56 € Regeltex© Electrovolt Insulating Gloves Class 00-4 - Asiongs ...
Edison Isolated Boots (GIASCO)  60 € Image result related to Edison isolated boat
Isolated Shoes ( GIASCO ) 50  Giasco Hertz 20kV Insulated Electrician Shoe
36 KV LIGHT-EXCITED STANKA (GÜRAL)  1950  TL O.G GÜVENLİK MALZEMELERİ - Öneri Elektrik San. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. is also an authorized dealer of Honeywell and Omron companies.
Manyetolu, plastik gövdeli, 2 parçalı, teleskopik Stanka, uzunluğu açık halde 2 m, çalışma aralığı 6 ile 36 kV arası  (SOFAMEL)

280 €

MV SAFETY MATERIALS 2022 - Gata Elektrik

VTE 5/36-P Sofamel VTE-5/36-P

Elektronik Yüksek Gerilim , optik ve akustik voltaj Dedektörü (SOFAMEL)

465 €

SOFAMEL PEKE-5/36 Compact Electronic High Voltage Detector

EG44-D  6/36KV LED IŞIK ve SES İkazlı Stanka

575 $


EMGE  EG-44D154 Kontrol Kalemi LED IŞIK ve SESLİ 154 KV

735 $


EMGE  EG-34154 Bara Topraklama Teçhizatı 154 KV

1435 $


EMGE  EG-32154 Hat Topraklama Teçhizatı 154 KV

1330 $


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Legal Notice : www.gataelektrik.com is the owner or licensee of the general appearance and design of the website and all information, pictures, logos, icons, demonstrative, written, electronic, graphic or machine-readable technical data, computer software, applied sales system, business method and business model, including all materials on the website and all intellectual and industrial property rights related to them and are under legal protection. No Material on the Website, including code and software, may be modified, copied, reproduced, translated into another language, republished, uploaded to another computer, posted, transmitted, presented or distributed without prior permission and acknowledgement of source. The whole or part of the website may not be used on another website without permission. Actions to the contrary entail civil and criminal liability.

Prices shown on our website are for informational purposes.