0532 520 32 20 gataelektrik@gmail.com
Us Dollar


Since 1987, we have been dealing with Electrical Materials Trade in Karakoy. We help our customers in material selection, pricing and supply. The rapidly increasing variety of brands and materials in recent years leaves our customers hesitant about material selection. We are guiding them. We are waiting for your offer for your material purchases. 

Regards / Taner ÜLTANIR


The Main Activities of Ulusoy MV Products in the Energy Field are as follows.

- Air Insulated Cells

 - Metal-Clad Switchgears (Drawer type) 7.2 kV - 12kV - 17.5 kV - 36 kV 1250-2500 A (16kA - 25kA - 31.5kA)
- Gas Insulated Switchgears (RMU) 36kV 630A 16kA
- Overhead Line Feeder Automation Solutions; Automatic Load Breakers, Automatic Reclosing Breaker
- Monoblock Concrete Pavilions
- Underground Concrete Substations
- Sheet Metal Substations
- Cataner Systems

         Medium Voltage Protection Insulated Gloves

Class Use Voltage Test Voltage
00 500 2500
0 1000 5000
1 7500 10000
2 17000 20000
3 26500 30000
4 36000 40000







SOFAMEL 5-36 KV Voltage Detectors :

Information acquisition system with high-speed data processing microcontroller. It provides maximum reliability in areas with complex electrical fields. High brightness, low consumption LEDs for use in dark places and illuminate dark areas with the white LED on the top when needed. The white LED on the front to illuminate dark areas is independent of the detection system.360 ° üzerinde çoklu yüksek parlaklıkta kırmızı LED’ler ve yüksek duyarlılık sağlayan akustik sinyal kullanan voltaj uyarısı , Absence of voltage indicator with multiple bright green LEDs on 360º.

Conforms to IEC 61243:2003 + A1:2009 and UNE-EN 61243-1:2006 + A1:2011


1 plastic box for transporting the equipment (the box is especially large to accommodate other equipment)

1 piece of TT-83 model grounding clamp, 1 piece of 3 phase clip cable joining piece,

1 piece of 45 kV insulated telescopic maneuvering cue with a length of 1.5 meters when opened,

3 pieces of 0.75 meters long silicone insulated copper cable between phase clips,

3 pcs screw type phase clips made of aluminum for cylindrical conductors between 4-30 mm thick, flat and flexible busbars up to 45 mm thick and connection points between 20-25 mm (last picture below),

1 piece, 2 Mt long (between the junction of the phase clips and the grounding clamp) Silicon insulated copper cable for grounding and short circuit.


3 spring-loaded phase clips for cylindrical conductors between 3 mm and 20 mm 
2 pieces of 2.5 meters long 25 mm2 cross section copper cable with silicone insulation between phase clips 
1 piece of 15 meters long 16 mm2 cross-section silicon insulated copper cable for line grounding 
1 earthing stake 
1 piece of 2 meter long 66 kV telescopic cue 
1 cue carrying case 
1 metal bag for transporting equipment
IEC 61230 standard, 6.9 kA/1s short circuit current


3 screw phase clips for cylindrical conductors between 5 mm and 70 mm, 3 pcs TT-83 model grounding clamp 
6,7,8,9 or 10 meters long silicone insulated copper cable with 50, 70 or 95 mm2 cross section between 3 phase and grounding clips,3 bags for transportation of equipment, IEC 61230 standard, short circuit current 12/19/25/ or 30 kA/1s

100 KN / 40 KN COMPOSITE SILICONE INSULATORS ; Price Savings with 1 Composite Insulator Instead of 3 Porcelain Insulators
Yüksek mekanik ve elektrik gücü,• Çevre kirliliğine karşı,• Su geçirmeyen,• Küçük ve hafif tasarım gibi önemli avantajlarıyla öne geçmektedir.
Resistant to all kinds of impact and pressure, Maintenance-free for a long time, Not easily affected by pollution

Prices shown on our website are for informational purposes.